(Validated by Staffordshire University* and accredited by UKCP*)

*Subject to approval

Job Description

Job Title:     Tutor – MSc in Relational Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy
Trainee Tutor – MSc in Relational Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy
Location:  This Post is based at the Sherwood Psychotherapy Training Institute, 2 Castle Quay, Castle Boulevard, Nottingham, NG7 1FW. Training delivery will take place at this location and at our nearby building in Nottingham City Centre.
Hours:     Part-time; individually negotiated with the Programme Leader/ Director of Training on an annual basis.
Fees:   The tutor will receive a fee of £340 (inclusive of VAT, if any) per day of training provided including providing training sessions for emergency cover. Where the Tutor provides additional support to a workshop on request the fee shall be £37.50 (inclusive of VAT, if any) per hour.
A fee of £165 (inclusive of VAT, if any) for attendance at each three 5-hour Programme Team Meetings and one Programme Development Meeting per academic year.
A fee of £100 (inclusive of VAT, if any) payment for being available and providing cover as required on the emergency cover rota.
In addition, a fee of £33 (inclusive of VAT, if any) per hour of attendance shall be paid for attendance by the Tutor at the three All Tutor Meetings.
The trainee tutor role will attract 50% of the above fees.
Employment status:Self-employed
Accountability:Managerially accountable to Programme Leader.
Liaises with:    Programme Leader and Team colleagues; course administrators.

Key Qualifications:  

In order to be eligible to apply applicants will need:

  • To be registered as a Certified Transactional Analyst with EATA
  • To be registered as a PTSTA or TSTA (P) with EATA (full tutor)
  • To be registered as a psychotherapist with the UKCP for a minimum of two years. 
  • To be a member of UKATA & EATA
  • To maintain such registrations for the contract duration.
  • Not to be subject to any unresolved ethical complaints. 
  • Not to have been found guilty of serious professional misconduct or ethical misconduct.

Job Summary:

The tutor shall fulfil all the functions and perform all the tasks involved in executing training within the MSc in Relational Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy. This will include:

  • Providing an agreed number of days of scheduled training.
  • Administrative duties to ensure the smooth running of the training.
  • Attending meetings as agreed with the Programme Leader and those agreed with the Director of Training.
  • Working flexibly; including meeting with students as appropriate during the training workshop/s.
  • Ensuring the training environment is appropriately prepared to receive students in accordance with agreed safety and security arrangements.
  • Being available for emergency cover of training sessions as agreed with the Programme Leader.
  • Completing assessment of student progress including marking written work, presentations and practice related elements in compliance with the relevant standards and obligations of SPTI and its validating partners.
  • Ensuring pastoral responsibility for students is maintained; for instance, by providing appropriate tutorial input.  
  • Ensuring all requests and demands made of SPTI and relevant to the training by the validating partners are fulfilled to a satisfactory standard and on a satisfactory timescale. 
  • Ensuring the training conforms to all SPTI and validating partners’ quality standards and practices.
  • Taking all necessary action to ensure that the Programme and the SPTI are respected both within and outside the psychotherapy and counselling profession.
  • Cooperation with all tasks and duties associated with any complaint, appeal, legal action or any other such procedure adopted by or imposed on SPTI by any body that has the right to involve SPTI or its representatives in any such procedure.

Please note:

The tutor is expected to comply with all relevant policies, procedures and guidelines including to those relating to the Equality Act 2010, Health and Safety and General Data Protection Regulation approved by SPTI and its validating partners.

The Tutor is expected to remain in practice and is responsible for their own clinical supervision to meet the requirements of UKCP/EATA and SPTI. They will become a graduate member of SPTI.

This is not an exhaustive list of duties and responsibilities and the tutor may be required to undertake other duties which fall within the remit of their role, in discussion with the Programme Leader and/or Institute Director(s). 

All applicants must have a business bank account for submission of all invoices.

Trainee Tutors:  We also welcome applications from UKCP registered psychotherapists who hold a CTA and have begun the journey towards the TEW process and anticipate completion in the next 12 months. The trainee tutor position is a fully supported option which through induction, training, assessment and successful completion of the TEW leads to full tutor status.

How to apply: please complete and return the application form to vacancies@spti.net

For further information or enquiries, please email vacancies@spti.net

Closing date for applications: Friday 19th July 2024

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Click here to download an Application Form
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