
SPTI has issued this Code of Professional Conduct with the aim of providing students with the fundamental principles, standards and guidelines for good practice. This is to support them in their work, as well as to inform and protect members of the public using their services.

1. Personal Statement

I understand that successful completion of the academic qualification I am seeking leads to admission to a professional body and that I am required, during my studies, to adhere to the requirements of that professional body and any related statutory body.  I recognise that this Code of Professional Conduct identifies the behaviour required of me, and that it is supplemented by the relevant professional Codes of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) I understand that breaches of this Code may lead to disciplinary action including my withdrawal from the programme of study or the inability of SPTI to provide me with a supportive professional reference. 

2. Personal Behaviour

I will at all times behave in a manner appropriate to my position as a student of SPTI.

I understand that behaviour including, for example, dishonesty, indecency, harassment, bullying, violence, abuse of drugs or alcohol will lead to disciplinary action under this Code and may result in the inability of SPTI to supply a positive character reference on completion of the qualification.  It may also lead to my exclusion from the programme of study.  I recognise that such disciplinary action will include consideration of any criminal convictions, including those for offences that are not directly connected with my studies.  I understand that, where relevant, consideration will also be given to any disciplinary action by a current employer.

I will undertake to notify the Head of Training at SPTI should I be subject to a criminal conviction or caution subsequent to my application.  I understand that a criminal conviction or caution may lead to my suspension from certain aspects of my study until the relevant provider’s duty of care can be assured.  I understand that this may lead to the need for me to extend my studies where it has not been possible to arrange replacement activities.  I understand that the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (1975) may not apply to the professional body to which I am seeking membership and that, should I be subject to a criminal conviction or caution, this may never be considered “spent”.

3. Behaviour towards others

I will at all times treat my clients, fellow students, colleagues, staff and other members of SPTI, placement areas or partner institutions with due respect and conduct myself in a professional, honest, decent and courteous manner.  During the course of my studies, I will use language appropriate to the situation and people involved.

I recognise the need for awareness and understanding of diversity, including gender, race and culture, in order to work with my clients, fellow students, colleagues, and staff appropriately.

4. Appearance

While SPTI does not have specific guidelines on standard of dress, I will ensure that I maintain a standard of appearance that will be perceived as professional by such persons as I may encounter in the pursuit of my studies. 

5. Learning

The content of my programme of study is designed to meet the requirements of a professional and/or statutory body such as UKCP and BACP.  I will pursue my studies with due diligence ensuring that I avail myself of the educational opportunities made available and I will seek to acquire the range of skills and knowledge identified in the relevant professional and/or statutory body guidance.

I understand that I must take responsibility for my own learning through attendance at training days, tutorials, seminars and practice sessions and through being suitably prepared for them.  I will notify the appropriate person, if I am to be absent from any part of the course, due to sickness or other reasons, and I will make up the missed training time.  I understand that if I persistently fail to follow my programme of study with due diligence that I will be subject to disciplinary action under this Code.

I will not disrupt the delivery of teaching or the learning experience of fellow students for example by using inappropriate personal material, confidential material (individual or group), other group members material in interactive sessions, role plays and discussion’ or ‘challenging the Tutor in a way that goes beyond appropriate discussion.  I will not jeopardise the health and safety of those involved, during attendance at training days, tutorials, seminars and practice sessions.

I understand that if I behave dishonestly during the assessment process (including plagiarism or other forms of cheating) I will be subject to disciplinary action and may be excluded from my programme of study.

I understand that if I behave dishonestly in relation to my attendance or the attendance of others by falsifying signatures or other means I will be subject to disciplinary action under this Code.

6. Barrier to learning or Professional Practice

I have reported to the appropriate individual within SPTI any specific requirements I may have to enable me to follow my programme of study (including any physical, health or learning requirements).

I undertake to report to the appropriate individual within SPTI any pre-existing or new condition, which may affect my ability to follow my programme of study as soon as I become aware of it. 

I understand that failure to report any condition, which may affect my ability to follow my programme of study or take up the profession to which the qualification I am seeking leads, may lead to my withdrawal or transfer from my programme of study.

7. Duty of care

I will at all times act in the best interests of my clients, fellow students, colleagues, and staff and conduct myself in a professional manner in all aspects related to client and student interaction. 

I will undertake to familiarise myself with SPTI, UKCP, BACP and partner institution guidelines, including health and safety guidelines, codes of conduct and, where relevant, employment contracts, in advance of and during client/student contact, and will apply these guidelines in all dealings with them.  I understand that breaching these guidelines and codes of practice, will lead to disciplinary action under this Code, and may include exclusion from my programme of study.

I understand that dishonesty, involving the falsification of client or student records, may lead to exclusion from my programme of study.

I recognise that in the course of my studies I may be placed in a position of trust and that as such I am subject to the requirements of the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 2000.  I understand that failure to comply with the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 2000 will lead to disciplinary action under this Code and may result in my exclusion from the programme of study.

8. Duty to Report

I undertake to report to the appropriate authority and to SPTI any action by others which may put clients/students/service users at risk. I understand that failure to do so may lead to disciplinary action being taken against me.

9. Confidentiality

I understand that I may have access to confidential personal information and that I am required to comply with the Data Protection Act 2018.  I understand that I may not disclose this information to any third party, other than in accordance with the relevant professional code or in accordance with the law. I understand that failure to comply with this requirement will lead to disciplinary action under this Code.

I understand that the contents of this document do not absolve me from complying with other SPTI regulations currently in force.  The requirements of the professional body or SPTI Regulations may be revised from time to time and I will comply with any revision.

I have read, understood and agree to abide by this Code of Professional Conduct.  I permit SPTI to make personal data available on a confidential basis, to members of the fitness to practise committee convened to consider my fitness to practise and conduct.  

By signing the Student Learning Agreement, you are confirming you have read, understood and agree to abide by this Code of Professional Conduct

Download a PDF of the Code of Professional Conduct