Here are the books in the reading lists for each module of your year. The Category column shows which shelf the book is on, Refer to your handbook for the journals in your reading list.
To filter the reading list by Module, enter your CourseCodeYear-Module in the search box (e.g. MINT4-1, MINT4-2 etc.).
Books may be repeated in the list for each year of publication so that you can see how many copies we have for each version.
Module | Recommendation | Author | Published | Title | Category | Copies | Comment |
MINT4-1 | Essential Reading | Bond T | 1993 | Standards & Ethics for Counselling in Action | A1 | 7 | |
MINT4-1 | Essential Reading | Bond T | 1995 | Standards & Ethics for Counselling in Action | A1 | 1 | |
MINT4-1 | Essential Reading | Bond T | 2000 | Standards & Ethics for Counselling in Action | A1 | 1 | |
MINT4-1 | Essential Reading | Bond T | 2010 | Standards & Ethics for Counselling in Action | A1 | 3 | |
MINT4-1 | Essential Reading | Bond T | 2015 | Standards & Ethics for Counselling in Action | A1 | 3 | |
MINT4-1 | Essential Reading | Bond T | 2021 | Standards & Ethics for Counselling in Action | A1 | 9 | |
MINT4-1 | Essential Reading | Casement, P | 1991 | Further Learning From The Patient: The Analytic Space And Process | H6 | 1 | |
MINT4-1 | Essential Reading | Casement, P | 1997 | Further Learning From The Patient: The Analytic Space And Process | H6 | 1 | |
MINT4-1 | Essential Reading | Creswell J | 2007 | Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design: Choosing Among Five Traditions | AA | 8 | |
MINT4-1 | Essential Reading | Downing, J. N. | 2000 | Between Conviction and Uncertainty: Philosophical Guidelines for the Practicing Psychotherapist | A2 | 2 | |
MINT4-1 | Essential Reading | Etherington K | 2004 | Becoming A Reflexive Researcher | AA | 3 | |
MINT4-1 | Essential Reading | Kvale S | 1996 | Interviews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing | AA | 1 | |
MINT4-1 | Essential Reading | McLeod J | 1994 | Doing Counselling Research | AA | 9 | |
MINT4-1 | Essential Reading | McLeod J | 2003 | Doing Counselling Research | AA | 4 | |
MINT4-1 | Essential Reading | Mitchell S | 1988 | Relational Concepts in Psychoanalysis: An Integration | C3 | 5 | |
MINT4-1 | Essential Reading | Mitchell, S | 2010 | Relationality from Attachment to Intersubjectivity | I | 3 | |
MINT4-1 | Essential Reading | Papadopoulos L, Cross M C & Bor R | 2010 | Reporting In Counselling And Psychotherapy | H | 3 | |
MINT4-1 | Essential Reading | Smith, J. A. (ed.) | 2008 | Qualitative Psychology: A Practical Guide to Research Methods | AA | 2 | |
MINT4-1 | Essential Reading | Wachtel, Paul L | 2008 | Relational Theory and the Practice of Psychotherapy | A6 | 1 | |
MINT4-1 | Essential Reading | White P | 2009 | Developing Research Questions: A Guide for Social Scientists | AA | 3 | |
MINT4-1 | Essential Reading | Wosket, V | 1999 | The Therapeutic Use Of Self: Counselling Practice, Research and Supervision | H6 | 8 | |
MINT4-1 | Further Reading | Barker C, Pistrang N & Elliot R | 2002 | Research Methods in Clinical Psychology | AA | 2 | |
MINT4-1 | Further Reading | Barker C, Pistrang N & Elliot R | 2003 | Research Methods in Clinical Psychology | AA | 1 | |
MINT4-1 | Further Reading | Charmaz, K | 2014 | Constructing Grounded Theory | AA | 2 | |
MINT4-1 | Further Reading | Cooper, M | 2008 | Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy | A6 | 2 | |
MINT4-1 | Further Reading | Creswell, JW & Clark, VLP | Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods research | AA | 0 | ||
MINT4-1 | Further Reading | Denzin N & Lincoln Y (eds) | 2003 | Collecting And Interpreting Qualitative Materials | AA | 4 | |
MINT4-1 | Further Reading | Denzin N & Lincoln Y (eds) | 1998 | Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry | AA | 4 | |
MINT4-1 | Further Reading | Denzin N & Lincoln Y (eds) | 2003 | Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry | AA | 1 | |
MINT4-1 | Further Reading | Denzin N & Lincoln Y (eds) | 2003 | The Landscape Of Qualitative Research: Theories & Issues | AA | 4 | |
MINT4-1 | Further Reading | Finlay, L & Gough, B (eds) | Reflexivity: A Practical Guide for Researchers in Health and Social Sciences | AA | 0 | ||
MINT4-1 | Further Reading | Frommer, j & Rennie, D L | Qualitative Research Methods and Methodology | AA | 0 | ||
MINT4-1 | Further Reading | Hart, C | Doing Your Masters Dissertation (Essential Study Skills series) | 0 | |||
MINT4-1 | Further Reading | Hawkins, P. & Shohet, R. | 1999 | Supervision in the Helping Professions | BB | 1 | |
MINT4-1 | Further Reading | Hawkins, P. & Shohet, R. | 2000 | Supervision in the Helping Professions | BB | 1 | |
MINT4-1 | Further Reading | Hawkins, P. & Shohet, R. | 2006 | Supervision in the Helping Professions | BB | 1 | |
MINT4-1 | Further Reading | Hawkins, P. & Shohet, R. | 2012 | Supervision in the Helping Professions | BB | 1 | |
MINT4-1 | Further Reading | Moustakas C | 1990 | Heuristic Research: Design, Methodology & Applications | AA | 2 | |
MINT4-1 | Further Reading | Moustakas C | Phenomenological Research Methods | AA | 0 | ||
MINT4-1 | Further Reading | Nightingale, DJ & Cromby, J (Eds) | 1999 | Social Constructionist Psychology - a critical analysis of theory and practice | B | 2 | |
MINT4-1 | Further Reading | Parker I, Georgaca, E et. al. | 1995 | Deconstructing Psychopathology | E | 1 | |
MINT4-1 | Further Reading | Smith, J. A. et al | 2009 | Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis | AA | 5 | |
MINT4-2 | Essential Reading | Dallos, R. & Stedmon, J | Flying Over the Swampy Lowlands: Reflective and Reflexive Practice | 0 | |||
MINT4-2 | Essential Reading | Wosket, V | 1999 | The Therapeutic Use Of Self: Counselling Practice, Research and Supervision | H6 | 8 | |
MINT4-3 | Essential Reading | Lewis, B | Narrative Psychiatry: How Stories Can Shape Clinical Practice | 0 | |||
MINT4-3 | Essential Reading | Menon, S | Brain, Self and Consciousness: Explaining the Conspiracy of Experience | E | 0 | ||
MINT4-3 | Essential Reading | Millon, T, Kruger, R, Simonsen, E | Contemporary Directions in Psychopathology: Scientific Foundations of the DSM-V and ICD-11 | E | 0 | ||
MINT4-3 | Essential Reading | Stanghellini, G | Disembodied Spirits and Deanimated Bodies: The psychopathology of common sense | E | 0 |