Here are the books in the reading lists for each module of each course. The Category column shows which shelf the book is on, Refer to your handbook for the journals in your reading list.

To see the reading list for your entire course, enter your CourseCode in the search box (BCAP, MINT, MPCA, DSUP).

To see the reading list for a year, enter your CourseCodeYear in the search box (e.g. BCAP1, MINT2, MPCA3).

To see the reading list for your Module enter your CourseCodeYear-Module in the search box (e.g. BCAP1-3, MINT3-2, MPCA4-1).

Books may be repeated in the list for each year of publication so that you can see how many copies we have for each version.

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MHW Essential Reading World Health Organization 2004 The ICD-10 Classification Of Mental Health And Behavioural Disorders E 3
MINT1-1 Essential Reading Erskine R & Moursund J Integrative Psychotherapy In Action N 1
MINT1-1 Essential Reading Erskine R & Moursund J 1988 Integrative Psychotherapy In Action N 1
MINT1-1 Essential Reading Erskine R & Moursund J 2011 Integrative Psychotherapy In Action N 7
MINT1-1 Essential Reading Gomez, L. 1997 An Introduction to Object Relations C3 4
MINT1-1 Essential Reading Higdon, J 2012 Psychodynamic Theory for Therapeutic Practice H3 4
MINT1-1 Essential Reading Mitchell S & Black M 1995 Freud and Beyond: A History of Modern Psychoanalytic Thought C3 4
MINT1-1 Essential Reading Spinelli E 2005 The Interpreted World: An Introduction to Phenomenological Psychology A2 3
MINT1-1 Essential Reading Spinelli E 2007 The Interpreted World: An Introduction to Phenomenological Psychology A2 5
MINT1-1 Further Reading Basch M F 1988 Understanding Psychotherapy: The Science Behind The Art H6 3
MINT1-1 Key Text Clarkson P & Wilson S 2000 The Therapeutic Relationship H6 1
MINT1-1 Key Text Clarkson P & Wilson S 2013 The Therapeutic Relationship H6 14
MINT1-1 Key Text DeYoung, P. A. 2003 Relational Psychotherapy: A Primer H6 2
MINT1-1 Key Text DeYoung, P. A. 2015 Relational Psychotherapy: A Primer H6 4
MINT1-1 Key Text Kahn, M. 1991 Between Therapist and Client: The New Relationship H6 13
MINT1-1 Key Text Kahn, M. 1997 Between Therapist and Client: The New Relationship H6 2
MINT1-1 Key Text Klein J 2005 Our Need For Others: And its Roots in Infancy I 5
MINT1-1 Key Text Lapworth P, Sills C & Fish S 2001 Integration in Counselling & Psychotherapy N 1
MINT1-1 Key Text Lapworth P, Sills C & Fish S 2010 Integration in Counselling & Psychotherapy N 6
MINT1-2 Essential Reading Josselson, R 1992 The Space Between Us: Exploring the Dimensions of the Human Relationships H9 4
MINT1-2 Essential Reading Segal H 1975 Introduction to The Work Of Melanie Klein C4 2
MINT1-2 Essential Reading Winnicott D 1971 Playing and Reality I 6
MINT1-2 Further Reading Balint M 1968 The Basic Fault: Therapeutic Aspects of Regression E1 1
MINT1-2 Further Reading Balint M 1992 The Basic Fault: Therapeutic Aspects of Regression E1 4
MINT1-2 Further Reading Bertolini M, Giannakoulas A, Hernandez M & Molina A 1994 Squiggles & Spaces Volume 1 I 3
MINT1-2 Further Reading Bertolini, M., Giannakoulas, A., and Hernandez, M. 2001 Squiggles and Spaces. Vol.2 I 1
MINT1-2 Further Reading Kohut H 2009 The Restoration Of The Self C2 1
MINT1-2 Further Reading Kohut, H The Analysis of the Self E1 0
MINT1-2 Further Reading Nolan, I. S. & Nolan, P. [eds.] 2002 Object Relations & Integrative Psychotherapy N 3
MINT1-2 Further Reading Winnicott D 1990 The Maturational Processes And The Facilitating Environment I 3
MINT1-2 Further Reading Wolf E S 1988 Treating The Self: Elements Of Clinical Self Psychology C2 1
MINT1-2 Key Text Bollas C 1987 The Shadow Of The Object: Psychoanalysis of the Unknown Thought C3 7
MINT1-2 Key Text Clarkson P & Wilson S 2000 The Therapeutic Relationship H6 1
MINT1-2 Key Text Clarkson P & Wilson S 2013 The Therapeutic Relationship H6 14
MINT1-2 Key Text Gomez, L. 1997 An Introduction to Object Relations C3 4
MINT1-2 Key Text Klein J 2005 Our Need For Others: And its Roots in Infancy I 5
MINT1-2 Key Text Lee, R. R. & Martin, J. C. 1991 Psychotherapy After Kohut: A Textbook Of Self Psychology C2 2
MINT1-2 Key Text Mitchell S & Black M 1995 Freud and Beyond: A History of Modern Psychoanalytic Thought C3 4
MINT1-2 Key Text Mollon P 2003 Releasing The Self: The Healing Legacy of Heinz Kohut C2 3
MINT1-2 Key Text Nolan, P 2012 Therapist and Client: A Relational Approach to Psychotherapy N 3
MINT1-2 Key Text Rowe C E & Isaac D S Mac 2004 Empathic Attunement: The Technique Of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology C2 3
MINT1-3 A Key Text Bond T 1993 Standards & Ethics for Counselling in Action A1 9
MINT1-3 A Key Text Bond T 1995 Standards & Ethics for Counselling in Action A1 1
MINT1-3 A Key Text Bond T 2010 Standards & Ethics for Counselling in Action A1 4
MINT1-3 A Key Text Bond T 2015 Standards & Ethics for Counselling in Action A1 4
MINT1-3 A Key Text Palmer Barnes F & Murdin L (eds) 2001 Values And Ethics In The Practice Of Psychotherapy And Counselling A1 5
MINT1-3 Essential Reading Clarkson, P Working With Ethical & Moral Dilemmas in Psychotherapy 0
MINT1-3 Essential Reading Hawkins, P. & Shohet, R. 1999 Supervision in the Helping Professions BB 1
MINT1-3 Essential Reading Hawkins, P. & Shohet, R. 2000 Supervision in the Helping Professions BB 1
MINT1-3 Essential Reading Hawkins, P. & Shohet, R. 2006 Supervision in the Helping Professions BB 3