Here are the books in the reading lists for each module of each course. The Category column shows which shelf the book is on, Refer to your handbook for the journals in your reading list.

To see the reading list for your entire course, enter your CourseCode in the search box (BCAP, MINT, MPCA, DSUP).

To see the reading list for a year, enter your CourseCodeYear in the search box (e.g. BCAP1, MINT2, MPCA3).

To see the reading list for your Module enter your CourseCodeYear-Module in the search box (e.g. BCAP1-3, MINT3-2, MPCA4-1).

Books may be repeated in the list for each year of publication so that you can see how many copies we have for each version.

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CACC Recommended Reading Evans, K. & Gilbert, M. C. 2005 An Introduction to Integrative Psychotherapy N 9
CACC Recommended Reading Feltham C & Horton I (Eds) 2000 The Sage Handbook Of Counselling And Psychotherapy H 1
CACC Recommended Reading Feltham C & Horton I (Eds) 2006 The Sage Handbook Of Counselling And Psychotherapy H 3
CACC Recommended Reading Mann D Gestalt Therapy: 100 Key Points & Techniques M 0
CACC Recommended Reading McLeod, J 2008 Introduction to Counselling A7 2
CACC Recommended Reading Mearns D & Thorne B 1988 Person-Centred Counselling In Action G 4
CACC Recommended Reading Mearns D & Thorne B 1999 Person-Centred Counselling In Action G 2
CACC Recommended Reading Mearns D & Thorne B 2003 Person-Centred Counselling In Action G 1
CACC Recommended Reading Mearns D & Thorne B 2004 Person-Centred Counselling In Action G 1
CACC Recommended Reading Mearns D & Thorne B 2007 Person-Centred Counselling In Action G 1
CACC Recommended Reading Mearns D & Thorne B 2013 Person-Centred Counselling In Action G 4
CACC Recommended Reading Rowan J 1998 The Reality Game A Guide to Humanistic Counselling and Psychotherapy G 6
CACC Recommended Reading Rowan J 2005 The Reality Game A Guide to Humanistic Counselling and Psychotherapy G 4
CACC Recommended Reading Spurling. S 2009 An Introduction to Psychodynamic Counselling H3 1
CACC Recommended Reading Stewart I & Joines V 1987 T A Today: A New Introduction to Transactional Analysis L 1
CACC Recommended Reading Stewart I & Joines V 2000 T A Today: A New Introduction to Transactional Analysis L 4
CACC Recommended Reading Wilkins P 2010 Person-Centred Therapy: 100 Key Points G 4
DICT Core Text Bobes, T & Rothman, B 2002 Doing Couple Therapy: Integrating Theory with Practice Q 2
DICT Core Text Gilbert, M & Shmukler, D 2001 Brief Therapy with Couples: An Integrative Approach Q 3
DICT Core Text Morgan, M 2019 A Couple State of Mind: Psychoanalysis of Couples and the Tavistock Relationships Model Q 2
DICT Further Reading Bader E & Pearson P 1988 In Quest Of The Mythical Mate Q 2
DICT Further Reading Christensen, A, Doss, B & Jacobson, N 2020 Integrative Behavioural Couple Therapy Q 2
DICT Further Reading Crowe M & Ridley J 1990 Therapy With Couples Q 1
DICT Further Reading Hendrix H, Getting The Love You Want Q 0
DICT Further Reading Nathans, S & Schaefer, M 2017 Couples on the Couch: Psychoanalytic Couple Therapy and the Tavistock Model Q 2
DICT Further Reading Sills C (ed) 2006 Contracts In Counselling & Psychotherapy A1 1
DICT Further Reading Sperry, L & Peluso, P 2019 Couple Therapy: Theory and Effective Practice Q 2
DICT Further Reading Wachtel, E 2017 The Heart of Couple Therapy Q 2
DSUP Recommended Reading Alleyne, A. et al Working with diversity in counselling and psychotherapy DVD SU 0
DSUP Recommended Reading Bager-Charleson S 2010 Reflective Practice In Counselling And Psychotherapy H6 2
DSUP Recommended Reading Bernard, J. and Goodyear, R. Fundamentals of clinical supervision SU 0
DSUP Recommended Reading Bradley, Loretta J 1989 Counselor Supervision BB 1
DSUP Recommended Reading Carroll M 2003 Counselling Supervision BB 2
DSUP Recommended Reading De Haan E Supervision in Action: A relational approach to coaching and supervision SU 0
DSUP Recommended Reading Driver, C. and Martin, E. Supervising psychotherapy: psychoanalytic and psychodynamic perspectives SU 0
DSUP Recommended Reading Falender, C.A. and Shafranske, E.P. Clinical supervision: a competency-based approach SU 0
DSUP Recommended Reading Gilbert, M. C. & Evans, K. 2000 Psychotherapy Supervision: An Integrative Relational Approach BB 6
DSUP Recommended Reading Hawkins P and Ryde J Integrative Psychotherapy in Theory and Practice A relational, Systemic and ecological approach SU 0
DSUP Recommended Reading Hawkins P and Smith N Coaching Mentoring and Organisational Consultancy 0
DSUP Recommended Reading Hawkins, P. & Shohet, R. 1999 Supervision in the Helping Professions BB 1
DSUP Recommended Reading Hawkins, P. & Shohet, R. 2000 Supervision in the Helping Professions BB 1
DSUP Recommended Reading Hawkins, P. & Shohet, R. 2006 Supervision in the Helping Professions BB 3
DSUP Recommended Reading Hawkins, P. & Shohet, R. 2012 Supervision in the Helping Professions BB 1
DSUP Recommended Reading Ryde J 2009 Being White In The Helping Professions GG 2
DSUP Recommended Reading Ryde J White Privilege Unmasked SU 0
MHW Essential Reading American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Ed 0
MHW Essential Reading Erwin E Philosophy & Psychotherapy A2 0
MHW Essential Reading Kim, Jaegwon 1998 The Philosophy Of Mind A 1
MHW Essential Reading Lewis, B 2011 Narrative Psychiatry: How Stories Can Shape Clinical Practice 1
MHW Essential Reading Menon, S Brain, Self and Consciousness: Explaining the Conspiracy of Experience E 0