Here are the books in the reading lists for each module of each course. The Category column shows which shelf the book is on. For full details, including the journals in your reading lists, see your Programme Handbook.

To see the reading list for your entire course, enter your CourseCode in the search box (BCAP, MINT, MPCA, DSUP).

To see the reading list for any year, see the Reading Lists menu at the top of this page or enter your CourseCodeYear in the search box (e.g. BCAP1, MINT2, MPCA3).

To see the reading list for any Module enter your CourseCodeYear-Module in the search box (e.g. BCAP1-3, MINT3-2, MPCA4-1).

Books may be repeated in the list for each year of publication so that you can see how many copies we have for each version.

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MTAP1-4 Core Text Clarkson P & Wilson S 2000 The Therapeutic Relationship H6 1
MTAP1-4 Core Text Clarkson P & Wilson S 2003 The Therapeutic Relationship H6 1
MTAP1-4 Core Text Clarkson P & Wilson S 2013 The Therapeutic Relationship H6 10
MTAP1-4 Core Text Clarkson, P 1992 Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy: An Integrated Approach L 8
MTAP1-4 Core Text Cornell, de Graf, Newton, Thunnisen (Eds) 2018 Into TA: A Comprehensive Textbook on Transactional Analysis L 14
MTAP1-4 Core Text Cozolino, L 2004 The Making of a Therapist H6 6
MTAP1-4 Core Text Cozolino, L 2021 The Making of a Therapist H6 1
MTAP1-4 Core Text Hawkins, P. & Shohet, R. 1999 Supervision in the Helping Professions BB 1
MTAP1-4 Core Text Hawkins, P. & Shohet, R. 2000 Supervision in the Helping Professions BB 1
MTAP1-4 Core Text Hawkins, P. & Shohet, R. 2006 Supervision in the Helping Professions BB 1
MTAP1-4 Core Text Hawkins, P. & Shohet, R. 2012 Supervision in the Helping Professions BB 1
MTAP1-4 Core Text Minikin 2024 Radical-Relational Perspectives in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy - Oppression, Alienation, Reclamation L 6
MTAP1-4 Core Text Solomon & Siegel 2017 How People Change - Relationships & Neuroplasticity in Psychotherapy L 6
MTAP1-4 Core Text Stewart & Joines 2023 Personality Adaptations L 8
MTAP1-4 Core Text Weinberg & Rolnick 2020 Theory and Pactice of Online Therapy L 2
MTAP1-4 Core Text Widdowson 2024 Transactional Analysis: 100 Key Points & Techniques L 10
MTAP1-4 Recommended Reading Cozolino L 2010 The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy: Healing the Social Brain Z 3
MTAP1-4 Recommended Reading Lapworth & Sills 2011 An Introduction to Transactional Analysis L 10