Here are the books in the reading lists for each module of each course. The Category column shows which shelf the book is on, Refer to your handbook for the journals in your reading list.

To see the reading list for your entire course, enter your CourseCode in the search box (BCAP, MINT, MPCA, DSUP).

To see the reading list for a year, enter your CourseCodeYear in the search box (e.g. BCAP1, MINT2, MPCA3).

To see the reading list for your Module enter your CourseCodeYear-Module in the search box (e.g. BCAP1-3, MINT3-2, MPCA4-1).

Books may be repeated in the list for each year of publication so that you can see how many copies we have for each version.

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MINT2-1 Core Text Stern, Daniel N 1998 The Interpersonal World Of The Infant I 1
MINT2-1 Core Text Wallin D J 2007 Attachment In Psychotherapy I 4
MINT2-1 Core Text Winnicott D 1990 The Maturational Processes And The Facilitating Environment I 3
MINT2-1 Essential Reading Bollas C 1987 The Shadow Of The Object: Psychoanalysis of the Unknown Thought C3 7
MINT2-1 Essential Reading Bowlby, J 1988 A Secure Base: Parent-Child Attachment and Healthy Human Development I 5
MINT2-1 Essential Reading Corrigall J & Wilkinson H (eds) 2003 Revolutionary Connections: Psychotherapy And Neuroscience Z 5
MINT2-1 Essential Reading Corrigall J & Wilkinson H (eds) 2004 Revolutionary Connections: Psychotherapy And Neuroscience Z 1
MINT2-1 Essential Reading Erikson E H 1968 Identity: Youth & Crisis I0 1
MINT2-1 Essential Reading Wright K 1991 Vision and Separation: Between Mother and Baby I 3
MINT2-1 Further Reading Bowlby, J. 1969 Attachment And Loss Vol 1: Attachment I 2
MINT2-1 Further Reading Bowlby, J. 1984 Attachment And Loss Vol 1: Attachment I 4
MINT2-1 Further Reading Bowlby, J. 1998 Attachment And Loss Vol 2: Separation I 5
MINT2-1 Further Reading Bowlby, J. 1998 Attachment And Loss Vol 3: Loss I 5
MINT2-1 Further Reading Buckley P (Ed) 1986 Essential Papers On Object Relations C3 1
MINT2-1 Further Reading Davis M & Wallbridge D 1981 Boundary & Space: An Introduction to The Work Of D W Winnicott I 3
MINT2-1 Further Reading Hedges L E 1994 In Search Of The Lost Mother Of Infancy H6 1
MINT2-1 Further Reading Kegan, Robert 1982 The Evolving Self Problem and Process in the Human Development H9 1
MINT2-1 Further Reading Pine, F Development Theory and Clinical Process 0
MINT2-1 Further Reading Schore, A N 2003 Affect, Dysregulation and Disorders of the Self Z 3
MINT2-1 Further Reading Schore, A N 2003 Affect, Regulation and the Repair of the Self Z 3
MINT2-1 Further Reading Winnicott D 1971 Playing and Reality I 6
MINT2-1 Further Reading Winnicott, D W 1991 The Child, The Family and The Outside World I 5
MINT2-2 Core Text Casement, P On Learning From The Patient H6 1
MINT2-2 Core Text Casement, P 1985 On Learning From The Patient H6 1
MINT2-2 Core Text Casement, P 1990 On Learning From The Patient H6 4
MINT2-2 Core Text Casement, P 1995 On Learning From The Patient H6 1
MINT2-2 Core Text Casement, P 1999 On Learning From The Patient H6 1
MINT2-2 Core Text Clarkson P & Wilson S 2000 The Therapeutic Relationship H6 1
MINT2-2 Core Text Clarkson P & Wilson S 2013 The Therapeutic Relationship H6 14
MINT2-2 Core Text Grant J & Crawley J Transference And Projection: Mirrors to The Self H5 1
MINT2-2 Core Text Grant J & Crawley J 2002 Transference And Projection: Mirrors to The Self H5 8
MINT2-2 Core Text Kahn, M. 1991 Between Therapist and Client: The New Relationship H6 13
MINT2-2 Core Text Kahn, M. 1997 Between Therapist and Client: The New Relationship H6 2
MINT2-2 Core Text Maroda K J 1991 The Power Of Countertransference: Innovations In Analytic Technique H6 1
MINT2-2 Core Text Maroda K J 2004 The Power Of Countertransference: Innovations In Analytic Technique H6 1
MINT2-2 Core Text Stark, M 2000 Modes of Therapeutic Action A2 1
MINT2-2 Essential Reading Alexandris A & Vaslamatzis G (Eds) 1993 Countertransference: Theory, Technique, Teaching H5 1
MINT2-2 Essential Reading Fowlie, H & Sills, C Relational Transactional Analysis: Principles in Practice 0
MINT2-2 Essential Reading Ogden T 1982 Projective Identification and Psychotherapeutic Technique H6 1
MINT2-2 Essential Reading Racker H 1982 Transference And Countertransference H5 3
MINT2-2 Essential Reading Rowan J & Jacobs M The Therapist's Use Of Self H6 1
MINT2-2 Essential Reading Rowan J & Jacobs M 2002 The Therapist's Use Of Self H6 5
MINT2-2 Essential Reading Sandler, J. (ed. ) 1989 Projection, Identification, Projective Identification C3 3
MINT2-2 Essential Reading Wolf E S 1988 Treating The Self: Elements Of Clinical Self Psychology C2 1
MINT2-2 Further Reading Bateman, A; Brown, D & Pedder, J 2010 Introduction to Psychotherapy: An Outline of Psychodynamic Principles & Practice H3 1
MINT2-2 Further Reading Gorkin M 1987 The Uses Of Countertransference H5 1
MINT2-2 Further Reading Mann D 1999 Erotic Transference and Countertransference H5 2
MINT2-2 Further Reading Wolstein, B (ed) 1988 Essential Papers On Countertransference H5 1
MINT2-3 Essential Reading Ballou, M., & Brown, L. S. (eds.) Re-Thinking Mental Health and Disorder: Feminist Perspectives 0
MINT2-3 Essential Reading Benjamin L 2003 Interpersonal Diagnosis And Treatment Of Personality Disorders E1 3