Here are the books in the reading lists for each module of each course. The Category column shows which shelf the book is on, Refer to your handbook for the journals in your reading list.

To see the reading list for your entire course, enter your CourseCode in the search box (BCAP, MINT, MPCA, DSUP).

To see the reading list for a year, enter your CourseCodeYear in the search box (e.g. BCAP1, MINT2, MPCA3).

To see the reading list for your Module enter your CourseCodeYear-Module in the search box (e.g. BCAP1-3, MINT3-2, MPCA4-1).

Books may be repeated in the list for each year of publication so that you can see how many copies we have for each version.

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MINT1-3 Essential Reading Hawkins, P. & Shohet, R. 2012 Supervision in the Helping Professions BB 1
MINT1-3 Essential Reading Hunter, M. & Struve, J. 1998 The Ethical Use of Touch in Psychotherapy A1 4
MINT1-3 Essential Reading Jenkins P, Keter V & Stone J 2005 Psychotherapy And The Law: Questions & Answers For Counsellors & Therapists A1 2
MINT1-3 Essential Reading Jones, C et al. 2000 Questions of Ethics In Counselling And Therapy A1 1
MINT1-3 Essential Reading Jones, C et al. 2009 Questions of Ethics In Counselling And Therapy A1 1
MINT1-3 Essential Reading Sills C 1997 Contracts in Counselling A1 1
MINT1-3 Further Reading Jenkins P 2004 Counselling, Psychotherapy & The Law A1 1
MINT1-3 Further Reading Jenkins P 2007 Counselling, Psychotherapy & The Law A1 3
MINT1-3 Further Reading Jenkins P 2002 Legal Issues In Counselling & Psychotherapy A1 2
MINT1-3 Further Reading Leigh, A 1998 Referral & Termination Issues for Counsellors H6 1
MINT1-3 Further Reading Palmer Barnes F 1988 Complaints & Grievances In Psychotherapy: A Handbook Of Ethical Practice A1 1
MINT1-3 Further Reading Palmer S & McMahon G 1997 Client Assessment B 2
MINT1-3 Further Reading Syme G 2003 Dual Relationships in Counselling and Psychotherapy A1 2
MINT1-4 A Key Text Clarkson P Gestalt Counselling In Action M 1
MINT1-4 A Key Text Clarkson P 1989 Gestalt Counselling In Action M 11
MINT1-4 A Key Text Clarkson P 2002 Gestalt Counselling In Action M 1
MINT1-4 A Key Text Clarkson P 2004 Gestalt Counselling In Action M 2
MINT1-4 A Key Text Clarkson P 2014 Gestalt Counselling In Action M 4
MINT1-4 A Key Text Clarkson P & Wilson S 2000 The Therapeutic Relationship H6 1
MINT1-4 A Key Text Clarkson P & Wilson S 2013 The Therapeutic Relationship H6 14
MINT1-4 Essential Reading Cozolino L 2010 The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy: Healing the Social Brain Z 3
MINT1-4 Essential Reading Erskine R G Theories & Methods Of An Integrated Transactional Analysis: A Volume Of Selected Articles N 3
MINT1-4 Essential Reading Erskine R G 1997 Theories & Methods Of An Integrated Transactional Analysis: A Volume Of Selected Articles N 2
MINT1-4 Essential Reading Green V (Ed) 2004 Emotional Development In Psychoanalysis, Attachment Theory And Neuroscience Z 4
MINT1-4 Essential Reading Horvath A & Greenberg L (eds) 1994 The Working Alliance: Theory, Research and Practice H6 2
MINT1-4 Essential Reading Mitchell S 1988 Relational Concepts in Psychoanalysis: An Integration C3 5
MINT1-4 Essential Reading Mitchell, S 2010 Relationality from Attachment to Intersubjectivity I 3
MINT1-4 Essential Reading Nolan, I. S. & Nolan, P. [eds.] 2002 Object Relations & Integrative Psychotherapy N 3
MINT1-4 Further Reading Hubble M, Duncan B & Miller S 2006 The Heart And Soul Of Change: What Works In Therapy A6 3
MINT1-4 Further Reading Hubble M, Duncan B & Miller S 2010 The Heart And Soul Of Change: What Works In Therapy A6 1
MINT1-4 Further Reading Maroda K J 2002 Seduction, Surrender & Transformation H6 4
MINT1-4 Further Reading Panksepp, J 2005 Affective Neuroscience Z 1
MINT1-4 Further Reading Roth, A. & Fonagy, P. 2006 What Works For Whom?: A Critical Review Of Psychotherapy Research A6 1
MINT1-4 Further Reading Safran, J. D. & Greenberg, L. S. Patterns of Change 0
MINT1-4 Further Reading Schore, A N 2003 Affect, Regulation and the Repair of the Self Z 3
MINT1-4 Further Reading Siegel D 1999 The Developing Mind I0 1
MINT1-4 Further Reading Siegel D 2012 The Developing Mind I0 1
MINT1-4 Further Reading Spinelli, E The Interpersonal World: An Introduction to Phenomenological Psychology 0
MINT1-4 Further Reading Stern D N 2004 The Present Moment In Psychotherapy And Everyday Life H6 1
MINT2-1 Core Text Erikson, E. 1995 Childhood and Society I 3
MINT2-1 Core Text Erskine, R Relational Patterns, Therapeutic Presence - Concepts and Practice of Integrative Psychotherapy N 2
MINT2-1 Core Text Erskine, R 2015 Relational Patterns, Therapeutic Presence - Concepts and Practice of Integrative Psychotherapy N 4
MINT2-1 Core Text Gerhardt S Why Love Matters Z 1
MINT2-1 Core Text Gerhardt S 2004 Why Love Matters Z 9
MINT2-1 Core Text Gerhardt S 2015 Why Love Matters Z 3
MINT2-1 Core Text Holmes, J 2001 The Search For The Secure Base: Attachment Theory & Psychotherapy I 3
MINT2-1 Core Text Holmes, J 2008 The Search For The Secure Base: Attachment Theory & Psychotherapy I 2
MINT2-1 Core Text Mahler M, Pine F & Bergman A 1975 The Psychological Birth Of The Human Infant I 4
MINT2-1 Core Text Mahler M, Pine F & Bergman A 1987 The Psychological Birth Of The Human Infant I 1
MINT2-1 Core Text Stern, Daniel N 1985 The Interpersonal World Of The Infant I 6