Here is a list of all dissertations published by our students.

Search for dissertations by author, title, course, year and methodology. The search results will include a link to the abstract where available. The hard copy column indicates whether we have the printed copy.

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AuthorPublishedTitleCourseMethodologyCodeAbstractHard CopyKeywords
Clark, Justin 2013 Exploring Therapy in a Health Care Environment BSc Case Study 13-B-05-CJ View Yes
Clarke, Deborah 2017 Becoming Authentic - The Therapists' Own Process BSc Case Study 17-B-10-CD View Yes
Clay, Leanne 2019 The Wall in Between Us: Working with Mutually Avoidant Attachement Styles BSc Case Study 19-B-05-CL View Yes attachment, avoidant,
Clay, Sarah 2013 An Exploration into Relational Needs BSc Case Study 13-B-06-CS View Yes
Clint, Richard 2018 The Window of Tolerance and Emotional Regulation BSc Case Study 18-B-09-CR View Yes window of tolerance, emotional regulation
Collings, Ian 2012 The Interpersonal Bridge in the Therapeutic Relationship BSc Case Study 12-B-12-CI View Yes Shame Interpersonal Bridge
Connolly, Lisa 2017 Deactivation and Avoidant Clients. A Game of Snakes and Ladders BSc Case Study 17-B-03-CL View Yes
Corsie, Joanna 2016 Working Creatively With Anger in the Humanistic Integrative Therapeutic Relationship BSc Case Study 16-B-04-CJ View Yes
Cotgrave-Ellis, Scott 2020 An Exploration of How Empathic Attunement Encourages Therapeutic Chang from a Humanistic & Integrative Therapists Perspective BSc Case Study 20-B-03-CS View Yes Empath, empathic attunement,
Cotterill, Sharon 2019 An Exploration of Individuation and Borderline Personality Traits BSc Case Study 19-B-11-CS No individuation, borderline personality, borderline