Here is a list of all dissertations published by our students.

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AuthorPublishedTitleCourseMethodologyCodeAbstractHard CopyKeywords
Tune, David 2007 Issues around the Therapeutic Use of Touch in Psychotherpy and Counselling PhD Qualitative 07-P-02-TD View No
Waldram, Roger 2010 How Does the Phenomenology of Spirituality and Madness Compare? PhD Phenomenological Enquiries 10-P-01-WR View No Spirituality Madness
Wilkinson, Kate 2006 A Study to explore the Emergence of Shadow Phenomena in Integrative Psychotherapy Training Instititues PhD Phenomenological Enquiries 06-P-01-WK View No
Diamond, Dawn 2002 Living with a physical disability: A case study of the impact on self and identity using a transactional analysis framework TA Phenomenological Enquiries 02-T-04-DD View No Disability Identity
Easteal, Celia 2002 The experience of compulsory redundancy: In a transactional analysis framework TA Phenomenological Enquiries 02-T-03-EC View No Loss Redundancy
Marriott, Sheila 2002 Does educating nurses in transactional analysis theory for one day, change their awareness of self and others? TA Thematic analysis 02-T-02-MS View No Nursing
McKay, Carol 2003 Delivering Services to Women. What motivates and inhibits women to make use of Victim Support services? An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis TA IPA 03-T-02-MC View No gender female
McQuaid, Cathy 2002 Teenage Women's Experience of a Termination of Pregnancy: A transactional Analysis Interpretation. TA Phenomenological Enquiries 02-T-01-MC View No Adolescent Pregnancy termination
Moore, Maria 2003 The Personal and Social Dimensions of Lap Dancing: A Transactional Analysis Perspective Using Cultural Scripting and Game Playing TA Heuristic 03-T-03-ME View No Sexual lap dancing
Murray, Valerie 2003 An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis investigation using Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy into the emotional and psychological effects of belonging to and leaving the religious organisation of Jehovah's Witnesses. TA IPA 03-T-04-MV View No Spirituality religion loss