Here is a list of all dissertations published by our students.

Search for dissertations by author, title, course, year and methodology. The search results will include a link to the abstract where available. The hard copy column indicates whether we have the printed copy.

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AuthorPublishedTitleCourseMethodologyCodeAbstractHard CopyKeywords
Dada, Victoria Taiwo 2015 Blue Butterfly - What is the Experience of Female Black African Shame in the Therapy Room? Integrative Heuristic 15-I-03-DV View Yes
Damico, Andrea 2020 The Elephant in the Room Integrative Heuristic 20-I-03-DA View Yes metaphor
Danks, Clare 2011 Shame on you! A phenomenological exploration asking. How does the psychotherapist working integratively experience, manage and work with their own shame process in the therapeutic encounter? Integrative Phenomenological Enquiries 11-I-08-DC View No Shame
Davis, Ron 2013 Metamorphosis into Reality when finding the True Self Integrative Heuristic 13-I-04-DR View Yes
Denkinson, Grant 2010 What barriers, if any, to entering counselling or psycotherapy do SMers percieve as related to their identity, interests and practices. Integrative Phenomenological Enquiries 10-I-03-DG View No Sexual BDSM
Devey-Smith, Jane 2013 The Internal Secure Base. A Phenomenological Inquiry Integrative Phenomenological Enquiries 13-I-11-DJ View Yes
Dixon, Jennifer 2005 HOW DOES TRANSFORMATIONAL HEALING OCCUR? An integrative Psychotherapist's exploration of the journey from the clients viewpoint. Integrative Heuristic 05-I-03-DJ View No Healing
Dodd, Gerard 2015 Surviving the Survivor Integrative Phenomenological Enquiries 15-I-04-DG View Yes
Dovison, Katie 2012 What is a clients experience of a disapponited hope for the idealised parental imago? Integrative Phenomenological Enquiries 12-I-08-DK View Yes Attachment Idealised Parent
Downes, Rory 2005 Men and Emotion. A Phenomenological study of men ad the regulation of emotion in Integrative Psychotherapy Integrative Phenomenological Enquiries 05-I-04-DR View No Gender Male emotion