This is a list of all the articles in the reference copies of the journals in the resource room. You can search the journal articles by title, year, author, publisher or, in some cases, by keyword. The search result will show the issue, and the page numbers for each article. You may prefer to search in advance and print a list of the journals you want to refer to or simply search whilst at the Institute.

The library is open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 10.00am – 3.00pm; Saturday 10.30am – 2.30pm. The library is closed Tuesday and Sunday

Young, ML 2008 Petit narratives Qualitative Inquiry 14 6 1010-1018 autoethnography, material culture, my story, psychobiography
Young, R 2012 Group therapy for addiction Therapy Today 23 4 27-28
Young, RA; Lynam, MJ; Valach, L; Novak, H; Brierton, I & Christopher, A 2001 Joint actions of parents and adolescents in health conversations Qualitative Health Research 11 1 40-57
Younggren, JN 2000 Is managed care really just another, unethical model t? Counseling Psychologist, The 28 2 253-262
Yu, A & Gee, R 2015 Counselling in the fast lane Therapy Today 26 7 16-19 Hong Kong
Yuill, N 1984 Young children's coordination of motive and outcome in judgements of satisfaction and morality British Journal of Developmental Psychology 2 1 73-81
Yuill, N 1984 Young children's coordination of motive and outcome in judgements of satisfaction and morality British Journal of Developmental Psychology 2 1 73-81
Yuste, M; Serrano, MA; Girbés, S & Arandia, M 2014 Romantic love and gender violence: clarifying misunderstandings through communicative organization of the research Qualitative Inquiry 20 7 850-855 romantic love, gender violence, communicative methodology, adolescents
Yvonne Bohr, Bramilee Dhayanandhan, Deborah Kanter, Rik Holigrocki, Leigh Armour and Emma Baumgarter 2018 Mapping the attributions of parents: a client-centred dynamic approach to assessing vulnerable caregivers and their young children Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies 17 1 54-69
Zabrodska, K; Linnell, S; Laws, C & Davies, B 2011 Bullying as intra-active process in neoliberal universities Qualitative Inquiry 17 8 709-719 intra-action, diffraction, neoliberal university, performativity, workplace bullying