Students and members of the Sherwood Institute may borrow up to three library books for three weeks. A loan may be extended if the book has not been reserved by another student. To reserve a book or to extend a loan please contact Emails will be answered during Library opening hours (see below).

The library is open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 10.00am – 3.00pm; Saturday 10.30am – 2.30pm. The library is closed Tuesday and Sunday

Belkin G S & Nass S 1984 The Psychology Of Adjustment Allyn & Bacon Ltd B General Psychology 1
Bell K 2003 Managing Intense Emotions and Overcoming Self-Destructive Habits - A Self-Help Manual Routledge E1 Borderline & Personality Disorders 1
Bell, J. 2001 Doing Your Research Project Ou Press AA Research - Theory, Method & Practice 1
Bendix, T. 1982 The Anxious Patient: The Therapeutic Dialogue in Clinical Practice Churchill Livingstone H6 Practising Psychotherapy 1
Benjamin A 1969 The Helping Interview AA Research - Theory, Method & Practice 1
Benjamin J 1990 The Bonds Of Love: Psychoanalysis And Feminism Virago C1 Freud 1
Benjamin J 1990 The Bonds Of Love: Psychoanalysis, Feminism & The Problem Of Domination Virago Press C Psychoanalysis 1
Benjamin L 2003 Interpersonal Diagnosis And Treatment Of Personality Disorders Guilford E1 Borderline & Personality Disorders 3
Bennett M 2005 The Purpose Of Counselling And Psychotherapy Palgrave A2 Theory & Philosophy for Psychotherapists 1
Bentall R P 2010 Doctoring The Mind: Why Psychiatric Treatments Fail Penguin E Psychiatry, Psychopathology & Mental Health 1