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The library is open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 10.00am – 3.00pm; Saturday 10.30am – 2.30pm. The library is closed Tuesday and Sunday

Clarkson, P 2000 Ethics: Working Ethical And Moral Dilemmas In Psychotherapy Whurr A1 Values, Ethics & Practice 3
Clarkson, P 1993 On Psychotherapy Whurr Publishers H6 Practising Psychotherapy 1
Clarkson, P 2002 On Psychotherapy 2: Including The 7 Level Model Whurr H6 Practising Psychotherapy 1
Clarkson, P 2004 Psychotherapy As Positive Psychology Whurr H6 Practising Psychotherapy 1
Clarkson, P 1994 The Achilles Syndrome: Overcoming The Secret Fear Of Failure Element F Depression, Anxiety & Phobia 2
Clarkson, P 2002 The Transpersonal Relationship In Psychotherapy Whurr W1 Buddhism in Psychotherapy 1
Clarkson, P 1994 Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy: An Integrated Approach Routledge N Integrative Psychotherapy 2
Clarkson, P (ed) 1997 On The Sublime: In Psychoanalysis, Archetypal Psychology & Psychotherapy Whurr Publications H6 Practising Psychotherapy 1
Clarkson, P & Pokorny, M 1994 Handbook Of Psychotherapy Routledge H From the beginning..... to being in Practice 2
Clarkson, P. & MacKewn, J. 1994 Fritz Perls Sage M Gestalt Therapy 1